
Scope and Content

Transcript and translation of an article [note by Hay "Author and dates wanted] , "The members of Palam tell [Palam] ". It discusses Wingate from "Wingate's Book' produced by the Jewish Agency. "Yosef" recalling Wingate at Hanita settlement, his training methods, and skirmishing techniques; "Shlomo" who encountered Wingate at a sergeants' training course, "Haim L" [prob Haim Levkov] recalling operations in the hills of Nazareth, says their training included how to jump from moving cars, there were language difficulties with Wingate, his interest in an SNS cavalry force. "Zvi" [Zvi Tabori?] says they would call Wingate "the insane" and "the crazy" - "We were a little afraid of all of his actions. Says SNS used to travel by civilian car and take indirect routes to their targets. "Haim L" says Wingate was "fatalistic". Zvi recalls him telling British officers that "These are the soldiers. Take an example from the Jews; they know the country and they also know how to fight - learn from them and be friends."