
Scope and Content

Whitworth dismisses reports of problems with his gun. 'All you have lately heard deprecating my gun, arises from an experiment made 3 weeks since with some shells unfortunately a little too large for the kind of powder that was used. We are now carrying out the preliminary experiments with shrapnell shells at Southport, and those made yesterday with common shells reduced in size were all right. As regards the venting I shall have one gun on the old plan as well as on the new which I prefer, and which I know will add to the lasting power of the gun. But should the Committee prefer the old plan it can be used. With fair play I do not fear the results of the approaching trials.' He believes that 'the opposite party will do all in their power to prejudice the public against us.'

He asks for a list of the parties to whom Tennent's book has been sent, 'as I have several friends that I should like to have it'.

Dated at The Firs, Fallowfield, Manchester.