Correspondence between Joan Travis and John Gosling

Scope and Content

Exchange of information, November 2003 to March 2004, between Joan Travis and John Gosling. The objective was to help John Gosling write up a technical entry for the Ferranti Mercury computer for the Computer Conservation Society’s "Our Computer Heritage" website. Included in the Mercury description was the code for a routine to compute the reciprocal of a number.

A mix of e-mail correspondence (print-outs), hand-written notes and photocopies of text extracted from other sources, all bound in a black A4 ring file. Besides information specific to Mercury’s hardware and software, the folder also contains: (a) a description of the OCH Pilot Study (December 2003); (b) text for a CCS bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for financial support for the OCH project (July 2003); (c) copies of papers and web pages on mathematical methods (such as those based on Newton-Raphson) for computing the reciprocal of a number.