• Reference
      GB 133 MMC/2/Magian
  • Physical Description
      1 file

Administrative / Biographical History

MB ChB Manch 1900, MD 1903.

Magian was born in Manchester in 1869. He was educated in Paris, Manchester and Dublin and won a number of prizes. He was known as Cappamagian while studying in Manchester, where he was also prosector and assistant demonstrator of anatomy. Magian had a successful consulting practice in Manchester and was surgeon and pathologist to the Wood Street Clinic for Genito-Urinary Diseases. Magian was honorary surgeon to St Margaret's Hospital for Women and Manchester French Hospital and to Manchester Special Police, the St John Ambulance Brigade and the Red Cross. Magian published a number of works on venereal diseases and was also a novelist and dramatist. He was critical of the lack of care of local councils over public health. Around 1907, Magian was charged by a number of Manchester medical men with the misdemeanour of advertising, but no action followed. Magian was a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, the Medico-Chirurgical Societies of Edinburgh and London, and was president of the Manchester Medico-Chirurgical and Obstetrical Societies. He was also honorary secretary to the Old Owens Association. Magian later opened consulting rooms in Harley Street, London, where he was said to attend some royalty, and was director of the Cancer Clinic of the Royal Institute of Public Health. He died on 30 July 1956.

Related Material

See also MMC/1/Magian .