Correspondence with James J. Mallon

Scope and Content

Correspondence with James Joseph Mallon (1874-1961), social reformer, relating to a request that Mallon write an article for the Manchester Guardian on the issues raised by the Trades Boards Act, 1923, with discussion of the potential content for the article. Also included is a request by Mallon for information on a restaurant proprietor who supported the application of the Trade Boards Act to the catering trade, who was referred to in an article in the Manchester Guardian, which is provided, and accompanied by related internal memoranda. There is an offer of an [unknown] article by Edward Charles, which is declined.

GDN/A/M33/1 is an internal employment history index card for Mallon, 1909.

GDN/A/M33/2 is an article on Mallon's appointment as warden of Toynbee Hall in the [Manchester Guardian, 1919].

GDN/A/M33/3 is an article by Mallon entitled 'A London Tenement' in the [Manchester Guardian, 1909].